Community Center

With over five thousand square feet, Key Marco’s Community Center is a great place for residents to gather, have a private party, play tennis and work out in the fitness room.

The fitness room is equipped with Nautilus machines including two treadmills, two ellipticals, a row machine, two stationary bikes and the NS-4000 universal strength system. Two TVs and a radio/CD player are provided for entertainment while exercising. Large men’s and lady’s lounges are located just outside the fitness room where residents can shower and refresh after a work out.

Two kitchens are perfect for catering a private party with refrigerators, microwave, ice machine, and wine cooler. Residents can also enjoy a competitive tennis match on one of the tennis courts located just outside the community center.

A large outdoor veranda is equipped with a grill and seating for parties and social gatherings. The Key Marco Community Center is a beautiful building that the residents love to use.